Sunday, November 7, 2010

'Cause maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me...

For some reason last night, no matter what I did, I kept finding myself totally, absolutely, completely...wide awake. I'd say I tried to fall asleep for a good 2 1/2-3 hrs. but instead I stared at my ceiling/closet/Kenny Chesney poster (not a joke). This wouldn't be much of an issue except for the fact that I have been sleeping like crap lately due to the fact that I've been obnoxiously addicted to Veronica Mars and it's been effing with my dreams, therefore, keeping me awake at night. I don't know if it's the fact that my head currently feels as if it weighs 19867 lbs. (not a joke) or maybe it's the whole terrible roommate situation I currently am trying to deal with...but whatever it is, it needs to get over itself and let me do one of my favorite things, sleep. A few months ago, I had a conversation with Josh about random things that I really like. So while I was laying there last night, I started making a list of my favorite/not so favorite things at the moment. I am the queen of lists.

--Warm sheets
--This blogger
--My Boys (tv show)
--Vitamin String Quartet...especially their version of "Smells like Teen Spirit" here or "Wonderwall" found here
--Apples (all crunchy foods for that matter)
--Wearing new socks

Not my favorites:
--Not being able to sleep
--Dreaming that I'm falling
--Disrespectful people
--Dirty fingernails
--Going to put Burts Bees on and the chapstick part falls out and on to the floor..ruining it
--Dry hands
--Alarm clock noises
--Walking in the rain/snow and the bottoms of my pants getting wet and then when my wet pants stick to my legs...

I'm sure there's probably a million more, and I have no idea why I decided to make these in a list form..buuut I'm bored. And freezing. And annoyed.

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